Stock Photos are Lame
5 Reasons Why Having Quality Personal Brand Photography Will Make You More Money
For Busy Entrepreneurs Who Need to Save Time & Stand Out!
Stock photos are so lame. To put it another way, they are not fooling anyone. As a photographer it gets my goat to the point that if I see another image of a person with an open mouth pointing at a computer screen my gray hairs will turn back to black. Having quality personal brand photography will actually make you more money.
Too often personal brand photography and personal brand messaging is an afterthought. The businesses and entrepreneurs I work with are tired of using generic imagery from Any-Town, USA on their website and social media platforms. They are tired of not quite connecting with their dream clients in an authentic way. And they are tired of simply getting lost amongst their competitors.
For this purpose, that’s why I put together this list so that you can send the right message, to attract the right clients, for your brand. In addition, for you to have the best unique branding photos to make your business stand out.
So, let’s get into it!
1. Your Brand Imagery is a Tool to Leverage
You see it all the time, businesses using stock photos as filler and not in a strategic way that speaks to a brand’s messaging. Therefore, it lacks thoughtfulness, creativity and personality. Your image communicates. What message are you sending with your imagery? An image communicates faster than text on a page ever could. Thus, your imagery is a massive part of your messaging. If you sell pillows and on your homepage there is a massive image of a home, I’m already confused and opening up a new tab. You want to use your branding imagery as a tool to speak to the heart of what your business is and who it helps.
2. Be Regarded as the Authoritative Go-To Business
Strong, powerful imagery will only amplify your authority in your industry but also amplify your brand messaging. Thus, will bring you more clients and customers and thus, will make you more money. This is not reserved just for mega brands, this applies from solopreneurs to large corporations. To be the authoritative go-to business in your industry, you have to make the right impression. In order to make the right impression you need to present your brand on all of your platforms as such. Think website, social media platforms and anywhere you have a brand presence. Your imagery plays a huge part in your brand presence.
3. Your Ideal Customers/Clients Will Be Magnetically Drawn To You
Logos don’t connect with customers/clients; people do. You could be the best at what you do and it won’t amount to a hill of beans if you’re not connecting with your ideal base. Connect with your dream clients effortlessly by showcasing the personal side of your brand, the human interaction, the individual or team of people behind the brand, the people benefiting from your brand. And like moths to a flame, your ideal customers will be magnetically drawn to you.

4. Cheaper Than Hiring a Staff Photographer
Let’s face it, media is an enormous part of your marketing. To have a thriving business, more than likely you will have a marketing strategy- even if it’s increasing word of mouth. Your imagery needs to be factored into this strategy. To keep it fresh, you will need new and vibrant content on a regular basis. Hiring a photographer that specializes in working with brands and what imagery a brand needs in order to pop will not only save you time but also save you money from hiring a full-time photographer who might be underutilized and drained of all creative cells.
5. Stand Out Authentically From Competitors
Nothing wrong with personality folks, personality in your business. What will make someone stop on your page or social media feed than going down the rabbithole of cross comparing your business to all the other Google results? Distinguish your business amongst your competitors and people will have a reason to select you every time and come back too. And that keeps the coins rolling in…effortlessly. While you can rejoice about more coins you now have the time to turn your attention to scaling your business. For my fellow introverts, do not be afraid to stand out. When you stand out in your industry, you can amplify your impact and therefore, increase your profit.
Just watch what happens when your personal brand presence and personal brand photography is a priority.
Bottom line. Stock photos are lame. You can do better!
I’m here to give you gentle nudges or tough love with sprinkles along the way. To your success!
Learn more about how our Branding sessions make you stand out and how I can do this for you here.
Remember, you work way too hard to blend in!
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